Experiment of Hybrid High Voltage Direct Current Transmission based on LCC and Clamp Double Sub Module MMC |
Li Jianguo1, Liu Wenhua2, Wang Jiuhe1, Li Hui1, Song Qiang2 |
1. School of Automation Beijing Information Science and Technology University Beijing 100192 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipment Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China |
Abstract The hybrid high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission based on line commuted converter (LCC) and voltage source converter (VSC), not only can control the active power and reactive power separately and easily, but also connect the distributed new energy power systems and passive loads to the power system grid easily. In this paper, the main circuit topology and sub module topology, charging control, pulse modulation and power control strategies were firstly analyzed. Then, regarding the hybrid HVDC transmission based on LCC and clamp double sub module modular multilevel converter (MMC), the physical prototype tests about short circuit fault ride through capability, monopolar and bipolar operation behavior were conducted. The experimental results show that the topology used can realize hybrid HVDC transmission operation, stand the direct current short circuit fault, clear the short circuit fault current quickly, and restore the system quickly when the transient fault disappears, which contributes the theoretical and practical value of hybrid HVDC transmission based on LCC and VSC.
Received: 21 September 2017
Published: 03 September 2018
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