A Fast Approach for Calculating the Shielding Effectiveness of Rectangular Enclosures with Apertures under Oblique Plane Wave Illuminations |
Hu Puyu, Zhao Yu, Yang Jinpeng, Sun Xiaoying |
Department of Communication Engineering Jilin University Changchun 130000 China |
Abstract This paper presents a model for calculating the electric field coupling in a rectangular enclosure with apertures, which is capable of predicting the shielding effectiveness in any position of the enclosure under oblique plane wave illumination fast and accurately. In this model, the aperture is represented by double coplanar strip transmission lines, and the enclosure is represented by a rectangular waveguide shorted at the end. The equivalent voltage inside the enclosure is obtained by field-circuit coupled model, then the TEmn and TMmn mode of the coupling electric field inside the enclosure are calculated based on waveguide theory. Compared with the existing equivalent circuit analytical models, the effects of the elevation angle, azimuth angle and polarization angles on the shielding effectiveness are taken into account comprehensively in this model, as well as the higher order modes . Besides, the presented model can calculate the shielding effectiveness fast and efficiently with arbitrarily positioned apertures and monitor point within enclosure over a wide frequency range. Results of the proposed model are in good agreement with that of CST simulation using transmission line matrix method within the frequency range of 0.5~3 GHz. Thus the effectiveness of the model has been validated.
Received: 25 July 2017
Published: 14 August 2018
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