ZVT Non-Isolated High Step-up DC-DC Converter Based on a Passive Snubber Circuit |
Zhu Binxin, Song Kun, Zeng Qingdian, Wei Yewen |
Hubei Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center for New Energy Microgrid Three Gorges University Yichang 443002 China |
Abstract A non-isolated zero voltage turn-off (ZVT) high step-up DC-DC converter based on passive snubber circuit has been proposed in this paper. With the proposed passive snubber circuit, all switches achieve ZVT , which can reduce the turn off losses of the switches and improve the overall efficiency of the converter. The proposed converter can also achieves high voltage conversion gain. Moreover, the conversion gain can be adjusted by the number of the voltage multiple cells. Above characteristics of the proposed converter make it suitable for photo-voltaic power generation system. This paper illustrates the topology derivation process; operation principle and performance characteristics analysis of the proposed converter with two voltage multiple cells is performed. Finally, the experimental prototype with rated power 800W has been developed to validate the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis.
Received: 19 July 2017
Published: 14 August 2018
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