Frequency Tracking Control of Wireless Power Transfer Via Magnetic Resonance Coupling Based on FPGA |
Liu Guojin1, Li Yixin1, Cui Yulong2, Huang Kai1, Bian Xinlei1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China; 2. College of Information Science & Technology Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing 100029 China; |
Abstract Wireless power transfer system via magnetic resonance coupling is a research focus in the field of wireless power transfer. One of the key technologies of the system is keeping the system operating at resonant frequency. In order to solve the problem of resonance detuning in the working process, the mechanism of system detuning is analyzed theoretically. A frequency tracking control method based on adaptive PI control for variable mode all digital phase locked loop is proposed. The mathematical model of PLL based on PI control is established. The influence of PI control parameters on the system performance is analyzed. An adaptive controller is designed for adaptive adjustment of the PI control parameters of the all-digital phase-locked loop, which takes into account the speed and accuracy of tracking control. The proposed all digital phase locked loop is achieved by FPGA. The simulation results show that the all digital phase locked loop can track the phase and frequency. Finally, the method is verified on the experimental prototype. It is shown that the method can complete the fast tracking of the frequency when the resonant frequency changes, which keeps the system working in resonant state.
Received: 29 May 2017
Published: 27 July 2018
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