Abstract To research the characteristics of streamer under DC voltage and the reversion of polarity effect under low pressure condition, this paper carried out laboratory investigations of positive and negative DC streamer discharges by low pressure discharge teat platform for 50-200 mm rod-plane gaps within 0.1-10 kPa. The relationship between discharge voltage U and pressure P of different gap length and voltage modes are obtained, and the change of external characteristics of streamer channel and variation of polarity effect with the increase of pressure value are analyzed. The results show that, the profile of streamer have significant differences within 0.1-10 kPa under positive and negative DC voltage. The elongation of positive streamer under positive DC voltage increases with pressure, and the breakdown under negative DC voltage result from positive and negative streamers together also lengthen with pressure. The positive streamer triggered by self-organized ionization formed on the surface of anode plane electrode of 50 mm and 100 mm gaps is the cause of the reversion of polarity effect, and the multiple positive streamers triggered by self-organized ionization simultaneously formed on the surface of anode plane electrode of 150 mm and 200 mm gaps is the reason of the reversion of polarity effect. These results have reference value for the study of discharge characteristics under low pressure condition.
Received: 10 May 2017
Published: 12 July 2018
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