A Scaling Method for Equivalent Modelling of Transmission Lines |
Jiao Chongqing1, Wang Bei1, Li Yurong1, Sun Yiqian2, Qi Xiaoxiao2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute Wulumuqi 830000 China |
Abstract The common scale method is to reduce the longitudinal and transverse scale of the transmission line uniformly. If there is an excessive difference in the longitudinal and transverse size of the transmission line, it is difficult to take into account both the size of the longitudinal and transverse, which brings inconvenience to the simulation experiment. Based on the theory of transmission line and the principle of electromagnetic field, this paper presents a new method for scaling the longitudinal and transverse scale of transmission lines in different proportions. Skin effect was considered in the method. The mathematical relationships between the longitudinal scale ratio, the transverse scale ratio and the conductor conductivity were derived. Based on this relationships, the appropriate longitudinal and transverse scale can be selected as required. In the two examples of coaxial cable and half wavelength transmission line, the effectiveness of the proposed scaling method was examined.
Received: 06 April 2017
Published: 08 May 2018
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