An Analytical Model for Electromagnetic Leakage from Double Cascaded Enclosures Based on Bethe’s Small Aperture Coupling Theory and Mirror Procedure |
Gong Yanfei, Hao Jianhong, Jiang Luhang, Fan Jieqing |
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract An efficient and accurate analytical model has been developed for the electromagnetic leakage from two multiple apertured cascaded metallic rectangular enclosures connected by a metallic plate excited by an electric dipole located in the enclosure. The slot coupling of electromagnetic interference are represented by the equivalent electric and magnetic dipoles through the Bethe’s small aperture coupling theory, so the leakage fields through the multiple apertures are obtained by using the mirror procedure. Comparison with the full wave simulation software CST has verified the model over a wide frequency band. The model then is employed to analyze the influences of the excitation source location, aperture location, and the apertures in different shapes on the shielding effectiveness in the high frequency domain. This analytical model is helpful for evaluating the electromagnetic leakage from complex shielding enclosures.
Received: 22 March 2017
Published: 08 May 2018
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