A Parameter Design Method for the Multi-Element Soft-Switching DC-DC Converter with a Resonant Zero Point |
Yang Liang1, Wang Yifeng1, Tu Shijie2, Li Guodong3, Chen Peiyu3 |
1. Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China; 2. State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Company Repair Branch Nanchang 330000 China; 3. State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company Tianjin 300010 China |
Abstract This paper proposes a parameter design method for the multi-element soft-switching DC-DC converter with a resonant zero point. Combining with the Matlab program, comprehensive analysis of the conduction loss and turn-off loss, 3D figure selection and compromise of the preset priorities of the resonant characteristic variables, this method assists the converter to harvest fruitful outcomes, including low switching losses, wide output voltage range and the capacity of over-current protection. Then taking a CLTCL converter with a resonant zero point for instance, this paper presents the specific design procedure in detail and conducts experiments on a rated 1 kW prototype to test the parameter design. The experimental results show that with the parameters selected, the peak efficiency of the converter reaches as high as 97.2% and the broadened output voltage range is adjustable from the rated 52 V to zero, both of which meet the parameter design requirements. Moreover, the consistency of the calculation, simulation and experiment for the converter’s DC voltage gain curves also verifies the validity of the proposed parameter design method.
Received: 01 April 2017
Published: 08 May 2018
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