Research of PermittedCapacity of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation Based on Voltage Deviation Chance Constrained |
Sun Lingling, Zhao Meichao, Wang Ning, Jia Qingquan, Du Guangyu |
College of Electrical Engineering Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract For the voltage uncertainty of distribution network node is caused by the random and correlation of photovoltaic (PV) output power, in this paper, the planning method of PV permitted penetration based on the voltage deviation opportunity constraint is proposed. Firstly, the PV probabilistic load flow model is established, which units Nataf transform and third-order polynomial normal transformation based on the moment method to solve the correlative output of PV, and the multiple integral method and Gram-Charlier expansion are implemented to obtain the distribution of voltage as the chance constrained condition. Then, under the target of maximum PVpermitted penetration capacityand voltage deviation opportunity constraint,theplanning model of PVpermitted penetration capacity based on the voltage deviation opportunity constraint is established, and the improved random weight particle swarm optimization (PSO)is used to solve the planning model. Simulation results suggest that the proposed method can enhance PV permitted penetration capacity, and make distribution network voltage deviation meet the demand.
Received: 27 February 2017
Published: 12 April 2018
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