Speed Synchronism for Contra-Rotating Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor System and Its Control Strategy |
Zhong Yichang1,2, Huang Shoudao, Luo Derong1, He Ruizhi1, Cheng Shuangyin1 |
1. National Engineering Research Center of Energy Conversion and Control Hunan University Changsha 410082 China; 2. College of Electrical & Information EngineeringHunan Institute of Engineering Xiangtan 411104 China; |
Abstract This paper focuses on the discussion, analysis and experimental verification for a novel contra-rotating permanent magnet synchronous motor(CRPMSM) system. In recent years, the CRPMSM motor has become a hotspot in academic research due to its efficiency and simple architecture. However, the stability of the CRPMSM motor supplied by a set of inverter is difficult to be ensured in practical applications when the CRPMSM motor runs under the condition of load variation. In order to ensure the stability of CRPMSM motor system under different load conditions, a master-slave control strategy is proposed to solve the problem of synchronizing the speed of two rotors. Moreover, the method for starting the CRPMSM motor reliably is proposed, and the current of armature winding under unbalanced loads condition is discussed. The proposed control strategy is implemented on the experimental platform which is used a DSP TMS320F28335 as the main controller. The test results of the novel CRPMSM motor show the effectiveness and good performance of the proposed control strategy for speed synchronism.
Received: 20 February 2017
Published: 12 April 2018
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