The Design and Implementation of a Dual-CLT Resonant Soft-Switching DC-DC Converter |
Yang Liang1, Wang Yifeng1, Chen Bo1, Qie Wei2, Zhong Xu3 |
1. Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China; 2.State Grid Tianjin Binhai Electric Power Supply Company Tianjin 300000China; 3.Nari Solar Technology CO. LTD Nanjing211000China |
Abstract In this paper, a dual-CLT resonant soft-switching DC-DC converter is proposed. By the implementation of the dual-transformer structure, the voltage gain curve of the converter not only has two resonance frequency points, but also possesses a unique zero point, which extremely extends the output voltage range and ensures the output voltage adjustable within the range from zero to rated value. The converter guarantees the switches turn-on zero voltage switching (ZVS), and the diodes turn-on quasi zero current switching (Q-ZCS) and turn-off ZCS within full load range. From half load to rated load range, turn-off Q-ZCS characteristics for switches are achieved, while at light load, the turn-off losses diminish as well. Consequently, the switching losses are weakened efficiently. Besides, in the dual-CLT structure, the leakage inductors of the two transformers can be integrated into the resonant inductors, which relieves the side effects caused by leakage inductors. At last, a 1kW prototype is designed in this paper, and its maximum efficiency reaches 95.3%. The experiments also verify the reliability of the theoretical analysis.
Received: 31 December 2016
Published: 12 April 2018
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