The Uni-Polarity Phase-Shifted Modulation Strategy for Single-Phase High-Frequency Link Inverter Based on De-Re-Coupling Idea and Dead Time Optimization |
Yan Zhaoyang, Zhang Zhe, Li Jianxia, Xu Shuchao, Yang Lijun |
Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conversion and Motor Drive of Hebei Province Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract The topology of single-phase high-frequency link inverter (SPHFLI) is composed of high-frequency transformer, primary-side high-frequency inverter of the high-frequency transformer, output matrix converter/cycloconverter in the secondary side, and output filter. The high-frequency link inverter has the advantages of isolated power conversion and bidirectional flow of energy, as well as the difficulty of bidirectional switch commutation control. A De-Re-coupling uni-polarity phase-shifted modulation strategy for the topology of the SPHFLI was proposed in this paper. Without any auxiliary circuits and switch commutation overlap of the cycloconverter, this strategy can achieve natural commutation for all power switches in the cycloconverter with zero voltage switching (ZVS) as well as free-wheeling in the inductance of filter with no high voltage press impact. Then, a method of optimizing dead zone setting is also studied in this paper. Accordingly, the neighborhood distortion of zero crossing point of output voltage can be effectively improved under the control of the uni-polarity phase-shifted modulation strategy. The compensation for low utilization of the input voltage and the large harmonic content of the output voltage caused by the dead time effect can also be gained. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed strategy and the optimized dead-time setting method are verified through theoretical analysis, simulations and experiments.
Received: 15 November 2016
Published: 28 March 2018
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