Digital-Current-Controlled Bi-Directional DC/DC Converter in the Hybrid Electric Vehicle |
Zhang Xiaofeng, Lü Zhengyu |
Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract This paper focuses on the most important aspects of the bi-directional DC/DC converter in the hybrid electric vehicle(HEV) for the project applications.The different operating modes of converters are introduced under all HEV's work conditions. Based on summarization, the demerits including low efficiency at light load and the uncontrolled discontinuous current when charging for the battery are derivated. Through theoretical and mathematical analysis, a new algorithm of average current controlling and digital control method in discontinuous synchronous rectifier mode with a single current sensor resistance are proposed to realize the multi-mode bi-directional DC/DC converter. At the same time, the 800W prototype using proposed technology is implemented for 48V HEV application in order to verify the operational principles and advantages that improved synchronous rectifier inverse-boost converter light load efficiency. Effectiveness and feasibility of the new proposed control strategy is verified by experiments.So it can be applied to hybrid electric vehicle drive system.
Received: 21 December 2007
Published: 17 February 2014
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