Dynamic Tuning Method of Frequency Tracking Based on the Minimum Current Ratio for IPT System |
Mai Ruikun, Xu Danlu, Yang Mingkai, He Zhengyou |
School of Electrical Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China |
Abstract In the inductive power transfer (IPT) system, either the mutual inductance or the self-inductance will drift as the airgap variation of the electromagnetic coupling mechanism with magnetic core between the primary coil and secondary coil. Then, the required capacity of the source will increase and the efficiency of the overall system will decrease because of the detuning state of IPT system. In order to overcome this detuning problem, a dynamic tuning method is proposed in this paper to track the resonance of IPT system. Through tracking the minimum current ratio of primary coil and DC source as well as adjusting the frequency of IPT system dynamically by the controller, the system performance can be improved accordingly. Finally, various experiments are conducted against different airgaps between the primary side and the secondary side by a prototype setup. The test results show that IPT system can return back to resonance with different airgaps by the proposed method. Moreover, the required capacity of the DC source is limited, and the efficiency of the overall system increases up to 1.64%.
Received: 10 November 2016
Published: 28 March 2018
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