A Method of Current Harmonics Suppression Based on VSG |
GengYiwen, TianFangfang, SunShuai, Wei Chenxi, Zhang Yang |
School of Electrical and Power Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221008 China |
Abstract Virtualsynchronous generator(VSG) can make distributed generation connect to power grid friendly. However,in actual operation, there are some low-order harmonics in grid voltage, which will generate the same order harmonics in grid-connected current and worsen the power quality. As for the problem, current harmonics are suppressed by remodeling the admittance at the harmonic frequencies in this paper. Firstly, admittance model of VSG is established. Then the reason that grid voltage harmonics can affect grid-connected current is analyzed. Secondly, according to admittance model, a grid voltage feedforward strategy is proposed based on notch filter, which can suppress current harmonics by remodeling the admittance at the harmonic frequencies. the transfer function of the grid voltage feedforward is obtained. A feedforward partly strategy at the harmonic frequencies is adopted in order to solve the problem that the transfer function of grid voltage feedforward contains differential terms and has a high gain in the base frequency which will cause over modulation. Finally simulation results and experimental results verify the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Received: 23 January 2017
Published: 14 March 2018
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