Strength Analysis of High Speed Permanent Magnet Machine Rotor with Inter-Shaft Filling |
Liu Wei1,2, Chen Jinhua1, Zhang Chi, Zhiqin2 |
1.Laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Technology of Zhejiang Province Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Ningbo 315201 China; 2. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering North University of China Taiyuan 030051 China |
Abstract Considering the analysis of rotor strength of high speed permanent magnet (PM) machine in high speed and temperature condition, this paper proposes a novel rotor model with filler between the permanent magnets and the shaft. Based on the classical theory of thick-walled cylinder, the analytical expressions of the rotor strength are deduced, and the tangential and radial stresses of each part are also deduced. Compared with the finite element stress analysis, the results are similar with it and the correctness of the analytical method is verified. The tangential stress of the permanent magnet has been one of the key factors in the damage of the high-speed permanent magnet machine. Considering the inter-shaft filling, the tangential stress of the permanent magnet of the machine rotor model is 6.1% less than the stress that does not take into account the inter-shaft filling model, while the stress difference in other regions is small. The rotor structure model based on the inter-shaft filling provides a new idea for analyzing the thermal strength of the rotor of the surface mounted high speed permanent magnet machine.
Received: 22 December 2016
Published: 14 March 2018
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