Research on Torsional Ultrasonic Attenuation Characteristics of the Magnetostrictive Displacement Sensor Waveguide |
XieXinliang, WangBowen, ZhouLulu, Weng Ling, Sun Ying |
Province-Ministry Joint Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability Hebei University of Technology Tianjin300130 China |
Abstract A newmodel is developed topredict the attenuation characteristics of torsional ultrasonic in the waveguide. Because the uniformity of waveguide is affected by machining process. The influence of internal variation of material on the detection signal is greater than that of the attenuation of ultrasonic propagation in the short distance.There is a newdetection scheme. Compared with theexisting models, the effect of material inhomogeneity can be filtered. The permanent magnet is fixed in the middle of waveguide. Removingdamping at both ends. Both ends of the ultrasonic can be reflected. The ultrasonic attenuation coefficientscan be measured by detecting the amplitude of the two echoes. The attenuation coefficients of Fe-Ga and Fe-Ni waveguides of 0.5mm wire diameter are 1.34 dB/m and 1.57 dB/m under 65kHz torsional ultrasound. Furthermore, the effects of the waveguide wire diameter, torsional ultrasonic frequency and stress on the attenuation coefficient have been analyzed. The attenuation coefficient increases with increasingthe diameter wire of waveguide. It has obviously positive correlationwithtorsional ultrasonic frequency. Moreover, it decreases firstly and then tended to be stablewith increment of stress. Research results provide a theoretical guidance for the optimal design of large range magnetostrictive displacement sensor (MDS).
Received: 12 October 2016
Published: 26 February 2018
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