The Harmonic Current Emission Level of the Residential Loads in the Distribution Network |
Tang Bo1, LinShunfu1, Chen Guang2, Le Endian3, Li Yang1 |
1.Electric Power Engineering Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai200090 China 2.State Grid Shanghai Power Supply Company Shanghai 200072 China 3.State Grid Zhoushan Power Supply Company Zhoushan 316021 China |
Abstract This paper presents a method to assess the harmonic current contributionsat the PCC,and introduce two indices of the harmonic current contribution and probability distribution curves.The harmonic impedance is evaluated with the symbolicdiscriminated method and the canonical correlation analysis method respectively, and then the residentialharmonic emission level is qualified.The simulation and practical case study results prove that the canonical correlation analysis method has a better accuracy to assess the harmonic impedance than the symbolicdiscriminated method does. Moreover, the canonical correlation analysis method is applicable in the scenario that the harmonic fluctuation of the system side is bigger than that of the customer side. The harmonic current probability distribution curvesshow multi-peakscharacteristics, whichcan reflect the combination of electrical appliances.The study results are useful to identify the residential harmonic sources and to determine the controlmeasures and supervision policy.
Received: 30 August 2016
Published: 26 February 2018
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