An Asymmetric Bipolar Pulse Circuit Based on Coupled Inductor |
Chen Guitao, Zhong Yanru, Sun Qiang, Bai Lijing |
School of Automation and Information Engineering Xi'an University of Technology Xi'an 710048 China |
Abstract In the plasma electrolysis process, the use of asymmetric bipolar pulses can effectively avoid the uniaxial polarization effect caused by unipolar pulses, and has the function of optimizing the film structure and improving the film performance. The existing asymmetric bipolar pulse circuit often requires two DC sources, which has complex structure, high cost and circulation problems. Therefore, an asymmetric pulse circuit topology based on coupled inductance is presented in this paper, which just needs one DC power supply and has simple structure. It can make use of coupling inductance of the energy storage and voltage conversion characteristics to achieve positive pulse output and reverse polarity of the negative pulse output. The working principle of the circuit topology is introduced, working waveforms of each mode are analyzed, and the corresponding expressions are deduced. Simulation and experimental results show the feasibility of the circuit. On this basis, the performance of the plasma electrolytic oxidation film is analyzed, indicating the effectiveness of the circuit in improving the performance of the plasma electrolytic oxide film.
Published: 16 January 2018
Fund:陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(重点项目)资助(2016JZ018) |
Corresponding Authors:
陈桂涛 男,1981年生,博士研究生,讲师,研究方向为特种电源拓扑及其控制。E-mail: cgtao@xaut.edu.cn
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