Thermal Effects in Skin Tumor Exposed to High-Frequency Nanosecond Pulse Bursts: Multi-Parametric Finite Element Simulation and Experiment |
Mi Yan1, Peng Wencheng1, Rui Shaoqin2, Kuang Dongdong3, Luo Qing3 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China. 2. State Grid Tianjin Power Maintenance Company Tianjin 300010 China. 3. College of Bioengineering Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China |
Abstract Combined with the advantages of microsecond pulsed electric field and nanosecond pulsed electric field for the treatment of tumors, this work introduces high-frequency nanosecond pulse bursts. To study the thermal effects of the high-electric-field nanosecond pulses in tissue, a multi-parametric analysis is carried out based on a finite element model of skin with a melanoma tumor nipped by splint electrodes. The electric field ranges from 1 to 10kV/cm, the pulse width ranges from 50 to 500ns, and the frequency in the pulse bursts ranges between 100kHz and 1MHz. The total pulse length is 100μs, and the frequency of the pulse bursts is 1Hz. The simulated maximum temperature of the skin tumor is only 37.4℃ after 1s, and the thermal damage is negligible, where the pulse parameters are 5kV/cm, 500ns and 1MHz. The temperature and thermal damage of the melanoma tumor in the skin are simulated and calculated with different electric fields, different pulse widths and different frequencies. The relationship between the thermal effects on the tumor and the pulse parameters is researched, and pulse parameters for a tumor without thermal damage are ascertained. By measuring the temperature of melanoma tumors in nude mice in vivo, it shows that the change in experimental temperature of the tumors is consistent with the simulated average temperature.
Received: 15 February 2017
Published: 05 December 2017
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