PI Controllers Tuning Method ofPermanent Magnet Servo System Based on Optimal Open-Loop Cut-Off Frequency Learning |
Wang Shuang1, Feng Jiandong1, Ding Xue1, Shi Jian2 |
1. School of Mechatronic Engineering and AutomationShanghai UniversityShanghai 200072China; 2. Guangzhou University Guangzhou 510006 China |
Abstract This paper proposes a parameter tuning methodologyfor the PI controller of permanent magnet servo system based on the optimal open-loop cutoff frequency. The analytic expressions of the currentloop and the speed loop PI controller parameters are derivedfor the double PI control system with the speed/current cascading of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on a motor frequency domainmathematical model in the synchronous rotating reference frame.According to the requirements of the desired system, the performance evaluation functions of the current loop and the speed loop are constructed respectivelystarting from the time domain analysis.And learning the optimal open-loop cut-off frequencyby iterating the minimum evaluation function value under a given excitation signal, so as to implement the parametertuning of the current loop and speed loop PI controller.Finally, the validity and feasibility of the proposed methodology are verified through the experimental results on the twin trawling servo platform.
Received: 28 June 2017
Published: 10 November 2017
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