Model Predictive Direct Current Control of Induction Machines Fed by a Three Level Inverter |
Wu Xiaoxin, Song Wenxiang, Le Shengkang, Ruan Yi |
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation Shanghai University Shanghai 200072 China |
Abstract Compared with the two-level inverter, the three-level inverter provides more voltage vectors to the control system. Thus, the current can be controlled accurately, and the current ripple can be reduced effectively. But the three-level inverter has a problem about the neutral point voltage balance. That is, the motor cannot work properly if the neutral point voltage is not controlled. Moreover, the reduction of the switching frequency of the three-level inverter is required in medium-voltage drive field. To address this problem, a model predictive direct current control method considering neutral point voltage balancing and switching frequency reduction is proposed in this paper. This method can carry out predictive control to the neutral point voltage, and introduce the constraint of power semiconductor switching number to the cost function of the model predictive direct current control (MPDCC). Accordingly, the neutral point voltage can be controlled and the switching frequency of the inverter is reduced significantly by introducing the constraint of the power semiconductor switching number to the cost function of the MPDCC. The time delay arising from the computational time will cause the stator current to oscillate around its reference and increase the current and the torque ripples. The delay compensation method is then adopted. Both the simulation and experimental results verify the proposed method.
Published: 10 October 2017
Fund:国家自然科学基金(51377102)、国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(2012YQ15008703)项目和南通市应用基础研究项目(GY12016008)资助 |
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