Improved Method of Leakage Susceptible Electromotive Potential to Calculate Strand Current and Circulation Current Losses in Transposition Windings |
Liang Yanping, Qiao Xue, Bian Xu, Li Jiaxing |
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin 150080 China |
Abstract Aiming at the calculation of the strand current and circulation current losses in the transposition stator windings of large hydro generator, a new analytic method is proposed which is called the improved leakage susceptible electromotive potential method. The method solves the issue of traditional method that the unreasonable assumption of leakage magnetic field with incomplete circuit constraints which also ignored the actual path of the transposition strands. The equivalent circuit of each strand in the stator bar is considered as a branch which is composed of a resistance and leakage inductive electromotive force. The calculation methods of leakage inductive electromotive force in slot part and end part of the strand are given respectively. Taking a 140 MW large hydro generator for instance, the current distribution of each strand which had 360° complete transposition and deficient transposition in the stator slot is calculated by the improved leakage susceptible electromotive potential method. Additionally, the circulation current losses can be solved according to the current distribution. By comparing with the experimental results, the distribution of the strand current and the circulation current losses are basically consistent, which proves the correctness of the analytical algorithm.
Received: 07 July 2016
Published: 14 September 2017
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