Control of Hybrid System of Wind/Hydrogen/Fuel Cell/Supercapacitor |
Cai Guowei, Chen Chong, Kong Lingguo, Peng Long |
School of Electrical Engineering Northeast Electric Power University Jilin 132012 China |
Abstract The intermittent of wind lead to the uncontrollable power out of traditional wind turbine. Namely, the curve of power is different from the curve of load. A dc-coupled wind/hydrogen/fuel cell/supercapacitor hybrid system is studied in this paper. Basing on the 10 operation modes of the wind/hydrogen/fuel cell/supercapacitor hybrid system, a kind of energy management is proposed to coordinate the flow of energy between the sub-units of hybrid system under control units. Not only dose the energy management make controllable power out of hybrid system, but also the wind efficiency is improved and the DC bus voltage fluctuation is stabilized and the internet power is smoothed. In the PSCAD, the simulation results show that control strategy of wind/hydrogen/fuel cell/supercapacitor hybrid system is effective.
Received: 21 March 2016
Published: 14 September 2017
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