Research on Synchronous Phasor Measurement Algorithm of Power System Based on Improved DFT |
Jin Tao1, Chen Yiyang1, Duan Xiaohua1, Tang Xiaoyan2 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350116 China 2. State Grid Nanping Power Supply Bureau of Fujian Electric Power CO. Ltd Nanping 353000 China |
Abstract Discrete Fourier transform has many advantages, such as easy for embedding, high efficiency, and etc, so it is widely used in synchronized phasor measurement in power system. However, due to the existence of non-synchronous sampling and frequency domain discretization, the spectrum leakage and fence which cause the errors of calculation result will occur when the DFT is used in phase measurement. To solve this problem, in this paper the equations of phase angle error are deduced in the non-synchronous sampling, then the difference of phase angles is utilized to track the frequency of power measurement signal. Accordingly a method of synchronized phasor measurement based on improved DFT algorithm is proposed. The calculation results of improved DFT algorithm are divided into an integer part and a fractional part, and the fractional part is modified by the equivalent replacement. The simulation results show that the method has higher accuracy and anti-jamming capability, and the performance has greatly improvement compared with the traditional algorithm. On this basis, a phasor measurements unit hardware system is designed by using TMS320F2812. Utilizing it, accurate measurement results of frequency, amplitude and phase angle are obtained.
Received: 08 August 2016
Published: 14 September 2017
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