Modeling and Calculating of Millimeter Wave Radiation Measurement for Insulator Contamination |
Li Heming, Lu Shan, Gao Qiang, Zhao Zhenbing |
North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract According to the theory of antenna and microwave radiometry, the model of millimeter wave radiation measurement of insulator contamination is established in this paper. It includes the antenna temperature model and the three-layer medium model. The relationship between medium emission rate and some factors such as temperature, incident angle, thickness of the contamination and insulators-layer dielectric constant are analyzed. Under the clear sky and cloud weather conditions, sky temperatures are calculated firstly based on the atmospheric parameters. Furthermore, by using this detection model, the relationship between Antenna temperature and ESDD in different conditions is obtained. The calculation results show that, for the high accurate millimeter wave radiometer, the antenna temperature values can completely reflect the contaminated degree of insulator with certain atmospheric and model parameters. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the detection model, and the above analysis provides the reference basis for engineering application.
Received: 05 March 2008
Published: 14 February 2014
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