Review on Dynamic Stability Research of Microgrid |
Zhao Zhuoli1,2, Yang Ping1,2, Zheng Chengli3, Xu Zhirong1, Wang Yuewu2 |
1. School of Electric Power South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510641 China; 2. Guangdong Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Technology South China University of Technology Guangzhou 511458 China; 3. National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Wind Power Control and Integration Technology South China University of Technology Guangzhou 511458 China |
Abstract Power-electronic-converter (PEC) based distributed generations (DGs) are widespread in microgrids. This kind of DGs differs significantly from the conventional synchronous generators in control schemes and dynamic characteristics. The diversity of DG control methods and the increasing penetration of PEC DGs are leading to various challenges in stable operation of low-inertia microgrids. Moreover, the coexistence of heterogeneous microsources and loads within the microgrid may result in interactions among the DGs and loads. The couplings among the devices with different characteristics reshape the dynamic responses of the microgrids and induce stability issues. In this paper, firstly, typical operating characteristics and stability issues of the microgrids with increasing penetrations of renewable energy resources are summarized in detail. Based on the classification of the microgrid dynamic stability issues, state of the art in microgrid stability studies is reviewed and discussed comprehensively from the viewpoints of dynamic stability issues and methods of stability analysis. Finally, the trends for microgrid stability research are also presented.
Received: 30 September 2016
Published: 26 May 2017
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