Rate Capacity Modeling and State of Charge Estimation of LiFePO4 Battery |
Zhang Jinlong,Tong Wei,Li Duankai,Qi Hanhong,Zhang Chunjiang |
Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive of Hebei Province Electrical Engineering College Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract Aiming at LiFePO4 battery, firstly the rate capacity performance is described by kinetic battery model (KBM) in this paper. And then the mathematical expression of state of charge(SOC) for the double well is derived. In order to further connect SOC with battery terminal voltage, a comprehensive model is established by combining KBM with an electromotive force (EMF) model. Finally SOC estimation is realized based on this combined model and a nonlinear filter. Experimental results show that, battery rate capacity performance and available capacity recovery phenomenon can be manifested through this combined model, also the battery state of charge can be described more thoroughly. Besides, the nonlinear filter based SOC estimation strategy also shows an error-correcting capability.
Received: 22 April 2016
Published: 17 April 2017
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