Distributed Secondary Control Strategy and Its Communication Topology Optimization for Islanded Microgrid |
Lü Zhenyu1, Su Chen1, Wu Zaijun1, Dou Xiaobo1, Li Hongyan2 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China; 2. Siemens Power Automation Co. Ltd Nanjing 211100 China |
Abstract Due to unbalanced distribution of line impedance, the islanded microgrid based on droop control needs secondary control to realize optimal control of power and voltage. The conventional secondary control is usually implemented by MGCC. But because of the central nodes, its reliability and scalability are not desirable. In this paper, a distributed secondary control scheme based on P2P network is proposed. The optimal control of power and voltage can berealized by neighbor communication with limit information through discrete consensus algorithm. Since there are no central controllers, the reliability and flexibility of the control is improved significantly. The microgrid model is built in Simulink while the distributed scheme is developed in JADE platform. Simulation results have verified the novel scheme. The influence of communication delay is studied in detail, and the network topology is optimized for reducing the impacts of time delay.
Received: 16 July 2015
Published: 29 March 2017
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