Shafting Vibration Research of Wind Power and Thermal Power Bundle Supply Through HVDC |
Li Kuan, Wang Jun, Zhao Binchao, Li Yudun, Liu Meng |
State Grid Shandong Electric Power Research Institute Jinan 250002 China |
Abstract When the wind turbines and wind generators are two-mass or multi-mass shaft model, the control mode of power electronic equipment at rectifier may introduce negative damping to nearby generators, which could cause torsional vibration. This phenomenon is named sub-synchronous torsional interaction. The stability of wind power system may be improved when the wind power and thermal power bundle supply. However, the shaft system may cause torsional vibration when the system is disturbed. Firstly, this paper researched the mechanism of wind torsional vibration. Secondly, the system transfer function of every nature frequency of the shaft was identified base on total least square-estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (TLS-ESPRIT). Finally, the controller was designed that aim at every nature frequency of the shaft base on projective theorem. This paper built the model of wind power and thermal power bundle supply through HVDC base on PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation results show that supplementary subsynchronous damping controller (SSDC) can restrain sub-synchronous torsional interaction effectively, and the SSDC has the advantages of low order and facilitate project implementation.
Received: 29 August 2016
Published: 29 March 2017
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