Dielectric Loss Factor Measurement Based on Kaiser Window Spectral Correction |
Gao Yunpeng, Teng Zhaosheng, Zeng Bo, Yang Buming |
Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract The harmonic analysis method based on fundamental windows and generalized cosine windows was used to eliminate the errors of dielectric loss factor tanδ measurement caused by non-integral period truncation, but the analysis result is restricted by the performance of the fixed side lobes of these windows. Kaiser window can be defined by a group of adjustable function and the specific weight between the major lobe and side lobes decay of Kaiser window can be freely selected, so the commutation relation between the major lobe and side lobes decay can be presented in the round. The characteristic of side lobes of Kaiser window is discussed in this paper, and an approach for tanδ measurement based on Kaiser window double-spectrum-line interpolation FFT is proposed. The applicable rectification formulas of the interpolation are obtained by using polynomial curve fit functions. The arithmetic expression of fundamental initial phase and tanδ is deduced. The simulation results show that Kaiser window function can restrains spectral leakage well, and the influences on tanδ measurement caused by harmonic, fundamental frequency fluctuation, sampling frequency and sampling time length in change and white noise are all overcome by using the approach presented in this paper. This approach can be designed and realized easily and has precise and steady results, which can be used in tanδ offline measurement and online monitoring.
Received: 15 December 2008
Published: 14 February 2014
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