Study on Short-Term Scheduling Strategy forMulti-Objective Energy Optimization of Microgrid Based on Pareto Domination |
Jin Lijun ,Hou Ke ,Cheng Yifan |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 201804 China |
Abstract There are micro power sources such as wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation in microgrid,which limit the following and real-time performance.Therefore,energy storage device is used to stabilize the volatility of micro power,which ensures the feasibility of micro power network short-term scheduling.Microgrid short-term scheduling optimizes the energy allocation of various types of micro power in technology,economy,environment and other aspects.To solve the multi-objective optimization problem of microgrid,an Pareto domination method is used.The Pareto solution set is generated by every single step.By using the method of weight coefficient,additional target and scheduling space,the scheduling scheme can be selected.
Received: 20 August 2016
Published: 23 March 2017
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