Calculation of Main Circuit Parameters for HVDC Transmission |
Wang Feng1, Xu Zheng1, Huang Ying2, Li Xiaolin2 |
1. Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China 2. China Southern Power Grid Research Center Guangzhou 510623 China |
Abstract The calculation of main circuit parameters is an important part for the design of HVDC projects. This paper discusses the factors that should be considered in the calculation of the main circuit parameters for HVDC transmission, including operation modes, restriction conditions, as well as the original data that should be provided. The paper also describes the calculation procedure and the calculation method for the main circuit parameters in detail, considering those factors and the original data provided. A study case about the calculation of main circuit parameters for HVDC transmission is presented, and the validity of the algorithm is verified.
Received: 15 October 2007
Published: 14 February 2014
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