Tracking Power Generation Real-Time Schedule Strategy for Wind Power and Battery Energy Storage Combined System Based on SOC Optimal Control of Battery Energy Storage |
Luo Yu, Huang Mei, Bao Yan, Zhang Weige, Yan Yian |
National Active Distribution Network Technology Research Center Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract With the rapid development of wind power generation, improving the dispatch ability of wind power generation has received more and more attention. Aiming at the problems existing in the present strategy of tracking generation schedule, the real-time control strategy of tracking generation schedule for wind power and battery energy storage combined system based on state of charge (SOC) optimal control for battery energy storage was studied at first. The control target of reducing the energy fluctuation and depth-of-discharge of energy storage system under the premise of tracking generation schedule within the allowed range of error was then proposed. In the control strategy, the real-time rolling optimization was adopted, and the SOC optimal control model for energy storage is developed. The solution of this optimization problem was realized based on dynamic programming optimization algorithm. Finally, the measured data of a combined power generation demonstration project in the north of China are used to take as an example, and the simulation results of this example were compared with those of the general control strategy. The feasibility and validity of the proposed method were verified.
Published: 04 January 2017
Fund:国家能源应用技术研究及工程示范项目(NY20150301)资助 |
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