Property of Current in Outer Semiconducting Layer of Cable Winding Transformer |
Lü Liang1, Lei Lang2, Zhang Jin2, Guo Lei1, Li Yanming2 |
1. Shanxi Electric Power Research Instituted Xi’an 710054 China 2. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China |
Abstract When voltage with high frequency is applied to the core of winding, voltage and current with same frequency will occur in the outer semiconducting layer, as there is no copper outer shield in the XLPE cable of the winding. To study the relations between current in the outer semiconducting layer and voltage and current in the core, finite element method is used to calculate the eddy current in the outer semiconducting layer firstly, and then a circuit model of it is studied. By comparing with measurements, it is found that the current flowing in it is from coupling between core and semiconducting layer. And in this paper, the effect of resistivity of semiconducting layer on the amplitude of current in it is studied.
Received: 29 September 2007
Published: 14 February 2014
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