Extended Kalman Filter for ?-1-Type Model of Induction Motor |
Li Zhefeng, Sun Danan, Diao Lijun, Lin Wenli, Liu Zhigang |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract Most analysis of induction motor drives employs the conventional T-type equivalent circuit. This model is actually as complicated as unnecessary for analysis in the linear system. Moreover, it is inadequate for use when parameters varied. ?-1 -type model is simple and particularly appropriate for analysis of vector control of induction motors. Extended Kalman filter (EKF) based on ?-1 model is studied and implemented in vector control system. The influence of motor parameter changes is treated as the state noises of EKF and this improves the precision for vector control. Open-loop speed estimator has not only simpler structure but also reduces the computational cost of EKF. The speed estimator has a low-pass filter to suppress the noise generated by the pure differentiator in order to satisfy both dynamic and steady state requirements. The experimental results based on DSP demonstrate the satisfied steady performances in wide range of speed control.
Received: 30 June 2008
Published: 14 February 2014
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