Experiments on the Fracture of Simulated Stratum by Underwater Pulsed Discharge Shock Waves |
Liu Yi, Li Zhiyuan, Li Xiandong, Lin Fuchang, Pan Yuan |
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract Under repetitive dynamic shock waves, the blockage at the oil well perforation can be broken and removed from the bore-hole wall, and the fracture to increase the permeability of the hole-bottom region can be formed. Then the oil production of the well is improved. In this paper, a test platform of the oil well stimulation based on the electrohydraulic shock waves was designed and constructed. The electrical parameters, shock wave intensity, and expansion process of the plasma channel and cavity were observed. The preliminary experiments were carried out on some hollow cylinder concrete specimens. The influence of the injected electrical energy and the applied shock wave shot number on the fracture of the specimen was investigated. The experimental results show that the shock wave can increase the permeability.
Received: 01 June 2016
Published: 03 January 2017
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