Analytical Model and Optimization of Torque of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor |
Zuo Shuguang, Wu Shuanglong, Wu Xudong ,Shen Jian ,Lin Fu |
Clean Energy Automotive Engineering Center Tongji University Shanghai 201804 China |
Abstract Axial flux permanent magnet synchronous motors (AFPMSM) have an intrinsic 3-D electromagnetic structure.Its accurate modeling and optimization of torque usually require the use of 3-D finite element analysis (FEA),which is highly time consuming.This paper presents a new torque analytical model and then it was used to optimize the torque of an AFPMSM.Firstly,the analytical model of magnetic field was established by using magnetic potential and relative permeance.Then,electromagnetic torque and cogging torque analytical models were derived based on Maxwell-tensor method.Finally,3-D FEA was presented for verifying the accuracy of the proposed model.The analytical model indicates the criterion to produce electromagnetic torque and cogging torque.It also clears the relationship between the order components of torque and the harmonic field.Based on the analytical model,the torque of a virtual AFPMSM with one stator and one rotor was optimized by triangular skew method.The result shows that the triangular skew method can greatly decrease the cogging torque and electromagnetic torque ripple,and the analytical method is really high efficient
Received: 23 June 2015
Published: 26 December 2016
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