Optimal Installed Capacity of Wind Farm Considering Wind Power Curtailment |
Jiang Xin1, Chen Hongkun1, Hui Junlong2, Miao Yun3, Xiang Tieyuan1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 2. State Grid Changchun Power Company of Jilin Electric Power Company Changchun 130000 China; 3. State Grid Jiangsu Economic Research Institute Nanjing 210008 China |
Abstract A novel optimization method about wind farm installed capacity considering wind power curtailment is proposed under the existing power environment. Under the conditions to meet the system static security constraints, the proposed optimization model aims at maximal net income of wind farm and takes the wind power curtailment into account. In addition, the impact of hourly peaking characteristics of wind power on the curtailment is introduced to the optimization model under different scenarios. Accordingly, the more reasonable installed capacity in statistical significance is obtained. Finally, the particle swarm optimization algorithm based on stochastic simulation is used to solve the model. The IEEE 30 bus system is tested to show the effects of curtailment, time scale, on-grid price and other factors on the installed capacity based on the annual and hourly wind speed distribution characteristics.
Received: 25 October 2014
Published: 13 October 2016
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