Multipole Field Electromagnetic Launch Model Based on Radial Magnetic Field Interact with Loop Eddy Current |
Zhu Yingwei, Lei Yong, Zhou Qun, Yao Ling, Sun Zhaohua |
School of Electrical Engineering and Information Sichuan University Chengdu 610065 China |
Abstract The axial acceleration force of the conventional coil electromagnetic launcher is much less than the radial compression force. This paper presents a novel multipole field electromagnetic launcher based on the interaction of radial magnetic field and loop eddy current. The operation principle and conception model are introduced. The electromagnetic acceleration forces of eddy-current catapult and induction acceleration are analyzed. Based on the current filament method, the system dynamic equations are established. By electromagnetic field finite element analysis coupling with circuit, the transient launch process of single stage of octupole field coil electromagnetic launcher is simulated. The experiment results of the principle prototype indicate that the multipole field coil electromagnetic launcher is feasible.
Received: 08 January 2015
Published: 13 October 2016
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