Synthesis Induction Motor Model of Power Composite Load Considering Distribution Network Structure |
Li Xinran1, Qian Jun1, Wang Lide1, Li Peiqiang1, Chen Huihua2, Song Junying2 |
1. Hunan University Changsha 410082 China 2. Hunan Power Dispatcher and Communications Center Changsha 410077 China |
Abstract Aiming at the disadvantages of the structure of traditional induction motor load model, a new “synthesis induction-motor model” to describe power composite load is instructed. In this model, the distribution network is equivalent to a set of lumping line and transformer, and the influence of OLTC(on-load tap changer) and transient reactive power compensation are considered. The model achieves the oneness of the physics environment, model identification environment and simulation environment of the 220kV transformer substation composite load, and accords with the structure of power system composite load. The modeling test based on field measured sample shows that the identifiability, generalization, and the composite capability of Synthesis induction-motor model considering distribution network structure is better than traditional induction motor model.
Received: 15 November 2007
Published: 13 February 2014
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