Transient Electromagnetic Response of Over Head Transmission Line Excited by an Electric Dipole |
Xie Li, Lei Yinzhao |
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100083 China |
Abstract The electromagnetic coupling problem of electromagnetic field produced by an electric dipole and the over head transmission line is decomposed topologically in the paper by using electromagnetic topology, and the BLT equation to solve the spatial electric field and the transient voltage response of the transmission line is derived. The components of electric field are used in the analysis to solve the angle of incident field. The radiation of differential mode current and common mode current in the transmission line is considered. Furthermore, the zero-input response caused by the initial state of transmission line is analyzed in the paper. The results in the paper can be used to calculate the electromagnetic coupling problem of external electromagnetic field and transmission line efficiently.
Received: 11 December 2007
Published: 13 February 2014
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