A Piecewise Variable Coefficient Model for Precise Analysis on Iron Losses of Electrical Machines |
Zhang Dongdong, Zhao Haisen, Wang Yilong, Xu Guorui, Liu Xiaofang |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract This paper proposed a precise iron losses prediction model with piecewise variable coefficients. Based on the Bertotti’s three-term iron loss model,an additional flux density higher-order term and an additional flux density lower-order term are introduced to consider the increased eddy current loss and the local hysteresis loss caused by magnetic saturation and harmonic field,respectively. Meanwhile,the main loss coefficients are varying with the amplitude and frequency of the flux density,through which the influence of the fundamental and harmonic fields on iron losses are considered effectively. At the same time,the hysteresis loss,eddy current loss,and excess loss can also be predicted accurately. To verify the effectiveness of the presented model,the experimental validations are carried out on two induction motors,i.e. Y132S-4,5.5 kW and YX3-250M-4,55 kW,under different supply voltages with no-load. Both the presented model and Bertotti’s three-term iron loss model are used to predict the iron losses of the above motors. It reveals that the iron loss predicted by the presented model agree well with the tested ones across a wide voltage ranges.
Received: 19 May 2015
Published: 24 August 2016
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