Parameter Calculation and Experimental Verification of High-Power Drag-Cup Induction Machines |
Ni Shouhui, Wang Shanming, Huang Ziguo |
State Key Lab oratory of Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipments Dept.of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China |
Abstract Despite the shortcomings of low power factor and high excitation current,drag-cup induction machines have practical values and prospects in some applications with special requirements,for their outstanding advantages of simple rotor structure,high reliability,coreless rotor and low rotor inertia.In order to analyze the performance and optimize the design of the machine,it is required that the parameters of the machine should be accurately calculated.This paper presents the method for calculating the parameters of drag-cup induction machines,and derives the formula of the rotor impedance using analytical method.Parameter measurement is conducted on a special test machine,and the calculated results are compared with the measured results.In addition,the impedances of the stator terminals are calculated from the calculated parameters and the measured parameters respectively,and are compared with the directly measured impedance of the load tests.The comparison results prove the validity of the calculation and analysis.
Received: 15 April 2015
Published: 24 August 2016
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