General Law of Sneak Circuit Analysis in Step-Up Resonant Switched Capacitor Converters |
Tu Wenjuan, Qiu Dongyuan, Zhang Bo |
South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510641 China |
Abstract Comparing to step-down resonant switched capacitor (RSC) converter, the composing principle of step-up RSC converter is different, so their sneak circuit conditions are not same. Firstly, the sneak paths are found by the graph theory and the operation process with sneak circuit under different operating conditions is analyzed. Then the output voltage characteristic and sneak condition are studied. Thus, general law of sneak circuit analysis is proposed which offers design formula to hold back the sneak circuits in the step-up RSC converters. It is shown that, if n-stage RSC converter operates in normal condition, so do the low-stage ones (n-1, n-2, …, 2). Finally, the conclusion is verified by the experimental results.
Received: 12 October 2007
Published: 13 February 2014
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