DC Pollution Flashover Model and Its Validation of Polluted Insulator Strings |
Zhang Zhijin, Jiang Xingliang, Sun Caixin, Hu Jianlin, Yuan Jihe |
The Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract Pollution flashover accidents of insulators may threaten the operation safety of power system, whereas, the research on pollution mechanism is based on plate model by now. Take seven units of XP-160 for example, the paper studies the DC pollution flashover model of polluted insulator string. The electrical circuit model explaining the DC flashover process of polluted insulator string is put forward in this paper, which consists of a surface arc, air gap arc and residual resistance of the pollution layer. The relative error of critical pollution flashover voltage obtained by the model and the experimental result is in seven percent. It also shows that the thermal buoyant force may take dominant action when the leakage current is larger than 200 milliampere during the flashover process for the polluted insulator string and thus explains the reason that the partial arc may derive from the surface of insulator.
Received: 21 November 2007
Published: 13 February 2014
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