Abstract Based on the analysis of the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) model, the paperproposes a speed sensorless control method based on the estimated current model.The commonly used algorithm has the following shortcomings: limited scope of applications,poor robustness, and the instability caused by switching states.Therefore, motor’s startup performance, operation stability, and low speed performance will be affected. The method proposed in this paper selects the observer parameters according to the described principle, uses the error signals between the estimation current and the actual detection current in each sampling period to correct the estimate speed value. By doing this, the motor can quickly start from the stationary state with closed-loop vector control. The experimental results verify the feasibility and reliability of the analysis and design.The motor can quickly start from the stationary state and be accelerated to the rated speed (6 000 r/min) from zero within 1s. In the high speed range, the performance is very stable and the maximum velocity error is less than 0.2%. In thelow speed range, the motor has high loading capacity, i.e. it can still run stably with full load at 2% rated speed. These properties may greatly expand the applied range of the PMSM, have great engineering practical value, and have been successfully applied in industrial products.
Received: 12 May 2015
Published: 12 July 2016
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