Abstract The sliding discrete Fourier transform (DFT) can experience instability issues due to the accumulation and amplification of the errors introduced by the finite-word-length effects in real practical discrete systems. In this paper, the quantization noise of A-D, the quantization error of the twiddle factors, and the rounding error of arithmetic operations are taken into consideration to analyze their influences on the stability of the sliding DFT based on the statistical properites of random signals. Based on the detailed analysis, it is revealed that the rounding error of arithmetic operations is the key reason to cause the unstable phenomenon. Both simulation and experimental results validate the theoretical analysis of instability issue of the sliding DFT. To deal with this instability problem, two methods are proposed to eliminate the error accumulation and amplification through swapping the calculation sequences of the sliding DFT. Extensive simulations and experiments are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed solutions.
Received: 02 April 2015
Published: 12 July 2016
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