Analysis of Transition Process During Secondary Diffusion of Moisture in Oil-Paper Insulation |
Lin Yuandi1, Liao Ruijin1, Xia Huanhuan2, Yang Lijun1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. Yunnan Electric Power Research Institute (Group) Co. Ltd Kunming 650051 China |
Abstract On basis of Fick’s second law, a mathematical model is established to analyze the secondary diffusion process of moisture in oil-paper insulation. The secondary diffusion occurs when the external conditions change during the first diffusion. Analysis focuses on the transient process during secondary diffusion, which is initiated by the insufficiency of the first diffusion and is verified by experiments. Two features of the transient process are proposed, namely transition time and relative error. Transient time is the time from the beginning of secondary diffusion to the time when the moisture diffusion direction is consistent everywhere. Transient time is independent of the temperature, paper thickness and the balance ratio of the first diffusion. Relative error emerges when the average moisture content of first diffusion is used as the initial distribution of secondary diffusion. The peak of relative error represents the strength of the transient process, which is influenced by the balance ratio of the first diffusion and steady moisture content. The peak time of relative error represents the speed of transient process, which is influenced by the temperature and paper thickness.
Received: 22 February 2014
Published: 11 July 2016
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