Cooperative Generation-Load Frequency Control Strategy Accounting for Power Network Constraints |
Liu Meng, Chu Xiaodong, Zhang Wen, Wang Hongtao |
Key Laboratory of Power System Intelligent Dispatch and Control of Ministry of Education Shandong University Jinan 250061 China |
Abstract Load of energy storage property can respond to frequency disturbances actively, providing reserve capacity for power system. To make full use of load reserve resources, this paper proposes a cooperative generation-load frequency control strategy accounting for power network constraints. A decentralized control scheme is applied to the load side, which adjusts parameter settings to regulate its power demand in response to frequency measurement signal. Sampling operation states of loads, load aggregation model is identified using ARMAX technique, and power demand changes of load groups are then estimated. A secondary frequency controller is designed on the model prediction control framework, which produces control signals for regulating units by accounting for load side control response. Frequency control aims at keeping power balance between generation and load sides, where power network constraints should be satisfied. Negative impacts of load control on branch power are quantified, and the insecure load nodes are identified to prevent from participating in frequency control. Simulations of New England 10-generator 39-bus system verify the proposed control strategy.
Received: 17 February 2014
Published: 01 April 2016
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